1903: Claudio Arrau is born and is considered one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century.
He said: "You must see to it ...that the muscles of the arms and shoulders remain relaxed as if they were contemplating the action without intervening in it. Only when you have learned this, you will achieve one of the conditions in which the shot is spiritualised."
Claudio Arrau was a student of Martin Krause, who was also a pianist, composer and music educator.
Martin Krause was a pupil of the great Hungarian composer and virtuoso pianist Franz Liszt.
Franz Liszt was a pupil of Antonio Salieri (yes, yes, the one in the film Amadeus!, i.e. he knew the incomparable W.A. Mozart) and of Carl Czerny, Austrian pianist and composer.
Carl Czerny had teachers to Antonio Salieri as well and..., the bomb....
the L.V. BEETHOVEN himself! The great German conductor, composer and pianist.
Espera que no ha terminado…L.V. Beethoven….fue alumno de Antonio Salieri también y de un gran compositor austríaco contemporáneo de Mozart: Joseph Haydn..
Joseph Haydn... was a pupil of Nicola Porpora, a Neapolitan composer of baroque operas and singing teacher. From his school came figures such as Farinelli....
And... there's more... yes yes yes... more...
Nicola Porpora had one of the greatest and most influential teachers of the Neapolitan school: Gaetano Greco, who had Leonardo da Vinci as a pupil, as well as other well-known composers in the world of classical music.
Antonio Salieri, Joseph Haydn... W.A. Mozart... (Mozart predicted a brilliant future in Beethoven), they all knew each other. And they all knew the great Master J.S.BACH.
This is the SAGA.
Imagine... let's see... let's see...
This goes back a long way... they are the most famous, the best in classical music... there's no denying it. And they were very connected. Connected to something that goes much further of music.
So what is the Technique? And what is this Conscious Movement Technique?
FEDORA ABERASTURY was a student of Claudio Arrau. She picked up what her teacher said and investigated it in her own skin.
I had the opportunity to work with one of Fedora Aberastury's students: YIya Díaz, an Argentinian pianist based in Barcelona.
For 8 years I studied with her to develop the System for Conscious Movement Technique, or what she called Cos-Art.
Now, I tell you my story in a nutshell.
Hi, I'm Alba Monart and music has been part of my life.
Have you ever thought about how beneficial music is?
At a certain point in my life, I was forced to change my vision of this extraordinary art.
Yes, one fine day, after playing many hours for years, I was unable to play a single note.
Can you imagine what a shock?
Yes, it was a shock and it was just at the moment when I decided to dedicate myself to music.
But I didn't give up.
By chance of life, nothing is by chance, I found the right person to do a job that would mark the rest of my life in the field of music.
The Conscious System for movement technique saved my life.
Exaggerated? No. Not for a pianist. Nor for any instrumentalist or singer.
By working carefully and consciously on the inner movement of the body, I was gradually able to return to playing and go much further than I could have imagined in the art of music.
‘Interpretation as the path that can lead to the deepest knowledge of the self’.
Fedora Aberastury
If you want to feel and know what is the real conscious movement of the body, if you want to feel and really perceive what you are and what is in you, if you have any mobility problem or any problem when playing an instrument or to remove the voice...
..... I invite you to do a Body Conscious Movement work with me.
You will discover another way of moving and your perception of yourself will change. You will hear the music from a much deeper and more powerful place.
You will gain confidence, your sound as an instrumentalist will be more powerful... it will be different. And you will feel that everything flows more easily and simply.
It is a psychophysical work, which Claudio Arrau, one of the greatest pianists in history, and some of his pupils like Fedora Aberastury, who developed this method, were already talking about.
No, not only for musicians and singers. You can also do it yourself, because you want to grow as a person, because you want to feel better, because you need to move your body and make it more flexible and at your own pace.
‘The stiffness is due to psychological problems, or from a physical point of view, to some fault in the playing.’
Claudio Arrau
If you want to give it a try, we offer the online courses prepared for beginners at a very reasonable price.
...... and we will now have a telegram group to discuss any questions that may arise.
Later we will create a community where we can all exchange questions and ideas about this valuable work.
If you are a musician, I can definitely tell you that it is an essential job for the development of your career. You will play or sing with a connection that is priceless.
"...... Instead of pressing the keys, I let gravity do the work for me."
Claudio Arrau
The authentic connection to the music that will unfold much more strongly when performing a concert.
El curso de introducción se divide en 4 módulos.
Module 1: How the course works and where it all comes from in 5 videos and a downloadable Pdf.
Module 2: 11 ejercicios prácticos en vídeo y acompañados de un audio para hacerlo individualmente como ayuda a los ejercicios.
Module 3: 9 practical exercises on video and accompanied by an audio to be able to do them individually as an aid to the exercises.
Mòdul 4: 5 practical exercises on video and also accompanied by an audio to do individually as an aid to the exercises.
Each Module will have a survey for feedback on what has been experienced and for any questions that have arisen.
The course lasts approximately 3 hours, with the intention that each day you can do the exercises at your own pace and at your own time.
The process is lifelong. It is an introductory course to give you the basics, extendable if you consider it so, in the intermediate and advanced courses.
-Enter the depths of your body, activating all the body's energy to release tensions, emotions, energy knots and blockages.
-Knowing your own body and being aware of it.
-Find the right movement in your daily habits. And if you are a musician on your musical instrument while playing or singing.
-Understand that the Technique is only a Path to the discovery of who you are and how you can connect with your essence, which is the basis of everything you do.
-Transform the way you move and the way you do things on a day-to-day basis.
-Have the habits of taking care of your own temple, your body.
-Failure to support the body properly on the ground and loss of the body's Centre of Gravity.
-Improper weight lifting efforts.
-Making inappropriate movements without prior body preparation.
-Cause of injuries for playing an instrument for many hours without awareness of the body and the right movement to perform.
-Excessive tiredness due to not preparing the body energetically.
-It lacks care at many levels of your body.
-Constantly being in a hurry..
-You will feel your body more deeply and become more aware.
-You will improve the overall condition of your body.
-You will have more energy and greater strength.
-You will tone your muscles.
-You will be in a more relaxed state without losing your energy.
-You will move better when walking and performing other daily actions.
-You will not strain your back or lower back.
-You will be more grounded in the Earth and have a more powerful energetic exchange.
-You will increase your sensitivity.
-You will improve their vital rhythms.
-You will go out on stage with more presence and confidence.
-You will improve your agility and sound when playing if you are a musician.
-You will avoid joint injuries and tendonitis.
-You will be able to recover from injuries more easily.
-Avoid making inappropriate gestures in everyday life.
-You will improve your playing technique if you are a musician.
-With time and practice you will be the one to remove your own pain.
-You will learn to regulate anxiety.
-You will be able to face emotionally difficult situations with greater serenity.
-You will have a deeper connection with yourself and your environment.
There will be a video at the end, where in the last minutes we will work together on BODY, MOVEMENT and MUSIC. That is where you should put all your attention and all your potential to the maximum.
PS: This course contains everything you need to start walking properly with your body and generate a greater sense of well-being. If you are a musician, you will start the path to full consciousness in the moment of making music. The art of your own body, your own instrument.
Bon Voyage.
Alba Monart
He said: "You must see to it ...that the muscles of the arms and shoulders remain relaxed as if they were contemplating the action without intervening in it. Only when you have learned this, you will achieve one of the conditions in which the shot is spiritualised."
Claudio Arrau was a student of Martin Krause, who was also a pianist, composer and music educator.
Martin Krause was a pupil of the great Hungarian composer and virtuoso pianist Franz Liszt.
Franz Liszt was a pupil of Antonio Salieri (yes, yes, the one in the film Amadeus!, i.e. he knew the incomparable W.A. Mozart) and of Carl Czerny, Austrian pianist and composer.
Carl Czerny had teachers to Antonio Salieri as well and..., the bomb....
the L.V. BEETHOVEN himself! The great German conductor, composer and pianist.
Espera que no ha terminado…L.V. Beethoven….fue alumno de Antonio Salieri también y de un gran compositor austríaco contemporáneo de Mozart: Joseph Haydn..
Joseph Haydn... was a pupil of Nicola Porpora, a Neapolitan composer of baroque operas and singing teacher. From his school came figures such as Farinelli....
And... there's more... yes yes yes... more...
Nicola Porpora had one of the greatest and most influential teachers of the Neapolitan school: Gaetano Greco, who had Leonardo da Vinci as a pupil, as well as other well-known composers in the world of classical music.
Antonio Salieri, Joseph Haydn... W.A. Mozart... (Mozart predicted a brilliant future in Beethoven), they all knew each other. And they all knew the great Master J.S.BACH.
This is the SAGA.
Imagine... let's see... let's see...
This goes back a long way... they are the most famous, the best in classical music... there's no denying it. And they were very connected. Connected to something that goes much further of music.

So what is the Technique? And what is this Conscious Movement Technique?
FEDORA ABERASTURY was a student of Claudio Arrau. She picked up what her teacher said and investigated it in her own skin.
I had the opportunity to work with one of Fedora Aberastury's students: YIya Díaz, an Argentinian pianist based in Barcelona.
For 8 years I studied with her to develop the System for Conscious Movement Technique, or what she called Cos-Art.
Now, I tell you my story in a nutshell.
Hi, I'm Alba Monart and music has been part of my life.
Have you ever thought about how beneficial music is?
At a certain point in my life, I was forced to change my vision of this extraordinary art.
Yes, one fine day, after playing many hours for years, I was unable to play a single note.
Can you imagine what a shock?
Yes, it was a shock and it was just at the moment when I decided to dedicate myself to music.
“‘.....from this site that transports me to the sidereal space, common place, infinite space of all humans, space of knowledge before life’.”
Fedora Aberastury
Fedora Aberastury
But I didn't give up.
By chance of life, nothing is by chance, I found the right person to do a job that would mark the rest of my life in the field of music.
The Conscious System for movement technique saved my life.
Exaggerated? No. Not for a pianist. Nor for any instrumentalist or singer.
By working carefully and consciously on the inner movement of the body, I was gradually able to return to playing and go much further than I could have imagined in the art of music.
‘Interpretation as the path that can lead to the deepest knowledge of the self’.
Fedora Aberastury
If you want to feel and know what is the real conscious movement of the body, if you want to feel and really perceive what you are and what is in you, if you have any mobility problem or any problem when playing an instrument or to remove the voice...
..... I invite you to do a Body Conscious Movement work with me.
You will discover another way of moving and your perception of yourself will change. You will hear the music from a much deeper and more powerful place.
You will gain confidence, your sound as an instrumentalist will be more powerful... it will be different. And you will feel that everything flows more easily and simply.
It is a psychophysical work, which Claudio Arrau, one of the greatest pianists in history, and some of his pupils like Fedora Aberastury, who developed this method, were already talking about.
No, not only for musicians and singers. You can also do it yourself, because you want to grow as a person, because you want to feel better, because you need to move your body and make it more flexible and at your own pace.
‘The stiffness is due to psychological problems, or from a physical point of view, to some fault in the playing.’
Claudio Arrau
If you want to give it a try, we offer the online courses prepared for beginners at a very reasonable price.
...... and we will now have a telegram group to discuss any questions that may arise.
Later we will create a community where we can all exchange questions and ideas about this valuable work.
If you are a musician, I can definitely tell you that it is an essential job for the development of your career. You will play or sing with a connection that is priceless.
"...... Instead of pressing the keys, I let gravity do the work for me."
Claudio Arrau
The authentic connection to the music that will unfold much more strongly when performing a concert.
El curso de introducción se divide en 4 módulos.
Module 1: How the course works and where it all comes from in 5 videos and a downloadable Pdf.
Module 2: 11 ejercicios prácticos en vídeo y acompañados de un audio para hacerlo individualmente como ayuda a los ejercicios.
Module 3: 9 practical exercises on video and accompanied by an audio to be able to do them individually as an aid to the exercises.
Mòdul 4: 5 practical exercises on video and also accompanied by an audio to do individually as an aid to the exercises.
Each Module will have a survey for feedback on what has been experienced and for any questions that have arisen.
The course lasts approximately 3 hours, with the intention that each day you can do the exercises at your own pace and at your own time.
The process is lifelong. It is an introductory course to give you the basics, extendable if you consider it so, in the intermediate and advanced courses.
-Enter the depths of your body, activating all the body's energy to release tensions, emotions, energy knots and blockages.
-Knowing your own body and being aware of it.
-Find the right movement in your daily habits. And if you are a musician on your musical instrument while playing or singing.
-Understand that the Technique is only a Path to the discovery of who you are and how you can connect with your essence, which is the basis of everything you do.
-Transform the way you move and the way you do things on a day-to-day basis.
-Have the habits of taking care of your own temple, your body.
-Failure to support the body properly on the ground and loss of the body's Centre of Gravity.
-Improper weight lifting efforts.
-Making inappropriate movements without prior body preparation.
-Cause of injuries for playing an instrument for many hours without awareness of the body and the right movement to perform.
-Excessive tiredness due to not preparing the body energetically.
-It lacks care at many levels of your body.
-Constantly being in a hurry..
-You will feel your body more deeply and become more aware.
-You will improve the overall condition of your body.
-You will have more energy and greater strength.
-You will tone your muscles.
-You will be in a more relaxed state without losing your energy.
-You will move better when walking and performing other daily actions.
-You will not strain your back or lower back.
-You will be more grounded in the Earth and have a more powerful energetic exchange.
-You will increase your sensitivity.
-You will improve their vital rhythms.
-You will go out on stage with more presence and confidence.
-You will improve your agility and sound when playing if you are a musician.
-You will avoid joint injuries and tendonitis.
-You will be able to recover from injuries more easily.
-Avoid making inappropriate gestures in everyday life.
-You will improve your playing technique if you are a musician.
-With time and practice you will be the one to remove your own pain.
-You will learn to regulate anxiety.
-You will be able to face emotionally difficult situations with greater serenity.
-You will have a deeper connection with yourself and your environment.
There will be a video at the end, where in the last minutes we will work together on BODY, MOVEMENT and MUSIC. That is where you should put all your attention and all your potential to the maximum.
PRICE 230 €
PRICE 230 €

PS: This course contains everything you need to start walking properly with your body and generate a greater sense of well-being. If you are a musician, you will start the path to full consciousness in the moment of making music. The art of your own body, your own instrument.
Bon Voyage.
Alba Monart